Marriage between Hindu girl and Muslim Boy

Procedures for marriage between Hindu girl and Muslim Boy

The marriage between a Hindu girl and a Muslim boy is considered under the Hindu law, Muslim Law and Special Marriage Act, 1954.

Muslim Law

In the Muslim law, the Hindu girl has to convert into Islam for validation of the marriage. The Muslim law has specific provisions for its conversion.

In the Muslim marriage, there is a need for proposal (Ijab) from one party and also acceptance (Qubul) from the other for getting the contract between them. Also, the consent to marriage will be free of coercion, fraud or undue influence.

Hindu Law

Hindu law does not contain any provisions for conversion. There will be ceremonies like Namakarana Samskaras in which an individual adopts the traditional Hindu name or Yajna will be held. Arya Samaj also offers service for procedural conversion to Hinduism.

The Muslim boy can convert to Hinduism and sanctify the marriage according to Hindu rites that will bring it under the Hindu Marriage Act.

Special Marriage Act, 1954

The best way in which both partners have the marriage registered under the Special Marriage Act. They have to perform wedding according to their own religious rites, for their own satisfaction and there is no conversions are required.

The Special Marriage Act gives for a form of marriage in certain cases and for its registration and also for divorce available to all citizens of India married under the Act.

The marriage between any two persons may be honored under this act. There are certain conditions which will be fulfilled for this.

They are neither the party has a spouse living. Neither party is capable of giving the valid consent to it, It is capable of giving a valid consent, If it is suffered from mental disorder for such a kind and it has  an extent to be unfit for marriage, it is subject to regular attacks of in sanity, the male will have to be completed the age of 21 years and female will have the age of eighteen years, the parties need not be within the degrees of prohibited relationship, the governing of the parties permits of a marriage between them, and this marriage may be formalized.


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